Fresh junk removal prices
- Flight of Stairs-$10
- Chairs-$60
- Office Chair-$60
- Box Spring-$70
- Cooler-$80
- Baby Crib-$90
- Bicycle-$100
- Dresser-$100
- Mattress-$100
- Bean Bag-$100
- Club Chair-$100
- Microwave-$100
- Wheelchair-$100
- Headboard-$100
- Adjustable Base-$100
- Books, CDs, DVDs-$100
- Household Trash-$100 for 9 bags (+$10 for additional trash)
- Cardboard Box-$100 (+$10 for each additional box that must be broken down)
- Futon-$110
- Air Conditioner-$119
- Couch (including sectional)-$119
- Dryer-$120
- Cat Tree-$120
- Bookshelf-$120
- Chrimast Tree-$120
- Bed Fondation-$120
- Desk (L Shape)-$130
- Area Rug (6×9)-$130
- Basketball Goal-$130
- Washer-$120
- Cabinets-(L-$120) (S-$80)
- Dryer-$124
- Stove-$125
- Grill-(S-$60) (L-$125)
- Freezers & Refrigerator-(Full Size-$130) (S-$100)
- New Gen TV-(L-$135) (S/M-$119)
- Chandelier-$140
- Washer & Dryer-$150
- Office Desk w/ Filing Cabinet-$150
- Sleeper Couch-$155 ($200 for 2)
- Electric Heater Large-$160
- Treadmill-$170
- Electric Heater Lrage-$160
- Water Heater-$180
- Medium Aquarium (20-40 gallons)-$160 (additional charges if larger then then 40 gallons)
- Large Aquarium (70 gallons)-$220 (additional charges if larger then then 70 gallons)
- Weight Machine-$180
- Old Gen TV-(L-$200) (S/M-$130)
- Bathtub (Fiberglass)-$190
- Home Gym-$255
- Bathtub (Porcelain)-$280
- Bathtub (Cast Iron)-$390
- ATV-$400
- Half of A Truck Full-$600
- Playground-$800
- Above Ground Pool-$880
- Full Truck-$1000
At Fresh Moving & Junk Removal, customer satisfaction is their top priority. They strive to exceed your expectations at every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the final delivery.